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Common Supply Chain Roadblocks

As a company expands their operations and their processes become more complex, the probability of bottlenecks in their supply chain goes up. These jams slow down a company’s productivity, cost money and continue to waste energy until a solution is put in place.

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Marketing Automation for Customer Loyalty

25% of eCommerce companies excelling in customer loyalty are able to retain almost 70% of their buyers, as shown by the Online Consumer Trends 2019]. eCommerce brands at the other end of the spectrum face a struggle, however, because only 20% of their customers are willing to make two purchases, and only 10% is willing to go beyond three. This article is meant to illustrate how marketing automation can help your brand make it to the top 25%.

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Digital Transformation in a Post-Pandemic World

Digital transformation is a cultural change that requires organizations to continually challenge the status quo, experiment with and get comfortable with failure.

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